How To Prevent Porch Pirates In 7 Simple Steps
Protect your packages with Arlo’s home security system essentials today.
Imagine you’ve just gotten a delivery notification from Amazon. Score! Your much-anticipated package has arrived. But you check your video doorbell, and your package is nowhere to be found.
What went wrong from “add to cart” to your doorstep? Spoiler: Someone may have snatched it from your front door. The term “porch pirate” refers to people who steal packages from other people’s front porches or homes.
With online shopping at nearly 15% of retail sales, chances are high you’re getting packages delivered to your doorstep. Odds are even higher that your packages will be stolen before you make it home. “Porch pirates” stole an estimated 260 million packages in 2022 alone compared to just 210 million in 2021.
If you do get your package stolen, research your options. In some cases, you can recover some (or all) of the lost value. Reach out to the retailer for a full or partial refund or replacement. If the package is particularly high-value, call your local authorities and file a police report. You can also contact the shipping company for support. UPS, for example, will work directly with your retailer to get a replacement.
With the right home security system in place, you can learn how to protect against porch pirates from day one. Let’s explore 8 key ways you can prevent porch piracy with Arlo:
1. Install a video doorbell with voice capabilities.
It’s no secret that packages are normally left on your porch or front step. A reliable video doorbell is essential to help you spot anyone coming or going to protect your packages. Consider purchasing a high-quality, high-resolution video doorbell that you can rely on.
The Arlo Essential Video Doorbell can pick up facial features so people will think twice before trying to steal your latest delivery. Plus, Arlo’s software uses advanced object detection to notify you instantly what’s at your door. From packages to people or cars passing through, keep an eye out for a notification on your phone.
Even better, Arlo’s video doorbells have an integrated siren you can manually trigger to alert any unwanted visitors. Need to ask a question? Try out two-way voice capabilities to communicate with anyone at your door — and thwart a theft in action.
2. Set up outdoor cameras for maximum reach.
Thieves can be bold. If your video doorbell won’t deter them, a high-quality outdoor camera might help you identify a suspect. Our wide-angle lenses cover more area with fewer cameras. You can see the direction from which a perpetrator came and the direction they went.
Plus, our superior lighting and HD video quality can catch details not always visible to the naked eye. The Arlo Pro 4 and Pro 5 2K cameras can catch a license plate number for you to track.
3. Select delivery times and require a signature on deliveries.
Remember: you can take control of package delivery by requesting a signature upon delivery. You can also choose a specific delivery time when you know you’ll be home. Plus, track your package location so you can be ready to meet your delivery at the expected time.
4. Leverage secure lockboxes for packages.
Sometimes life just gets in the way. You won’t always be present when a delivery company or delivery person is scheduled to arrive. Try a smart mailbox or reliable lockbox at your door. A secured mailbox can help protect packages from a would-be thief.
5. Ask delivery drivers to hide packages left unattended.
Building a relationship with your delivery drivers can be crucial to preventing package theft. Although you may not have the same delivery driver each time, chances are there will be a common delivery team. Connect with delivery drivers who can place your package out of sight.
6. Receive packages at a secure location.
If package thieves continue in your neighborhood, reroute any major delivery to your office, nearby Amazon Lockers, or post office. P.O. boxes are also an affordable option with added security. From pet food to groceries, curbside pickup is another option.
7. Build a strong community presence with Arlo Secure.
A strong community presence can be the difference between being a victim and catching a perpetrator. Neighbors can support each other and even take in your packages when you’re not home. Protect your house against porch pirates with Arlo by your side.
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